Monday, June 9, 2014

Welcome to Rosemary & Wine

Photo Credit: Jess Hunter Photography
Wine lover.
Animal lover.
Microsoft Excel enthusiast.

My Story
For years I was a vegetarian because I love animals but I really struggled with feeling sick constantly. I know now that it was most likely the amount of diary products I was eating on a daily basis. I had never really thought about becoming Vegan until I saw the Cruelty-Free campaign video. It was then I realized that being vegetarian just simply wasn't enough for me. It wasn't enough for the animals.

I began my journey into cruelty-free living in December 2013. I started my trying to purchase only products that hadn't been tested on animals. I can't tell you the amount of time I spent in Target and Walgreen's aisles researching on my phone each brand I had previously loved only to be disappointed that SO MANY companies test on animals.

In January 2014, I decided that I was going to try a vegan diet for one month, to see how my body reacted. I wasn't prepared for the change I was about to go through. Becoming vegan changed my entire body. I felt better. I had more energy. I was having vivid dreams. I could eat a whole meal and I didn't feel like I was dying from the inside out. It was then I decided there was no going back to my previous vegetarian lifestyle.
I had learned too much. I felt too good.

The first few months were a little bit of a struggle. Again, more standing in aisles researching. Reading blogs to find out how I could still drink Starbucks and eat dinner with friends. Then I started cooking at home instead of trying to find a way to eat out. OH MAN! What a difference. The quality of vegan food you can make in your own home FAR surpasses anything you are going to find at a restaurant. You don't need to eat a salad for every meal if you don't want to. You can be vegan and be a normal person. Veganism is a healthier lifestyle but there are many people out there that are doing it for the animals, not for the health benefits. [That's just a plus ;)]

Vegan food CAN taste good.
You don't have to be a health nut to be vegan.
You just have to be strong willed.
Do it for the animals who are innocent, and super cute.

You can do this. I promise. :)

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